missing them
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
i wonder what syasha's doing right now. its been like ages sudah i didnt meet her. the last time we met, she was a babyyyy.. she's still a baby though but i mean at that time syasha belum lagi berapa pandai bcakap and bjalan. i met abang farule (syasha's babah) tadi. he said, "shasha sekarang ni pandai sudah menyanyi kali aa.. nyanyi lagu agnes monica" awwww, she must be growing up too fast till i didnt realize she should now come to that growing stage.. -_-" God, i miss her. i really do. and yes, i miss you too kaka titi (syasha's mama). i miss tani yang dulu dulu.. *reminiscing* we used to do all the things together. we were crazyyyy like berabis berabis, i know. haha. but that was dulu. you have your own family now. gaaaah, i miss to see you kaka, abang and syasha..
and im here still alive for sure.. and this so-called hardworking spoilt daughter is striving for the best for her life to make her parents proud of what shes doing. chehh. deep tu yoo! :)
when i starts talking, you listen. NA♥
i hope you still remember me :)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
its 5th of november.. i still remember you. you were my closed friend during my secondary school time. you sit infront of my desk. we were so fcuking crazy about adam af2 at that time (remember the bandangan thingy?) we throwed paper on the face, with a message of "HOY BANGUN! JANGAN TIDUR!" if one of us caught sleeping. things geting funnnn when miming, titeh and dijah (miss you guys) join the crazyness. they throwed their eraser, they smacked us with long ruler, they knocked on the desk so hard to awaken the sleepyhead.. in short, they kill the sleepyness we had! HAHA. above all, i still remember you MAJEEDATUL NADIRAH. happy birthday! :)
when i starts talking, you listen. NA♥
it's zaza again ((=
3-columns blog?? nah,, i give you one ((=
are you happy now? satisfied with it?? heeee
you mesti belanja me mkn... and liat wyg hehehh naleyh ku membuat neh HUHU =P
enjoy your own blog anyway ((=
Labels: zaza ♥♥
when i starts talking, you listen. NA♥
this is for my lil bratz
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
i'm sorry for whats happening lately, especially to you nane. i know we're too much. again, i apologize for all the deeds and the hurt in you heart we're causing. this sucha thing shouldn't happened. we're like a family. most of the time we spend together. we should actually discuss among each other when something goes wrong and not like tadi and days before ): this is so not us.. i don't want this to happen no more. i don't mean to arise this matter. i just dont wanna things left unsaid. ATOI, CKIN, EQAH, NANE.. just so yknow, i love all of kamu.. "kamu ada macam macam attitude and sorang sorang ada specialities" so be it..
when i starts talking, you listen. NA♥
raya pictures
Saturday, November 1, 2008
i just realized, no raya posting from me. am i too busy with raya stuffs till i didnt get the chance to go blogging? idts. cause i didn't really raya-ing this year. plus i didn't get excited to go for the celebration because of some matter that distract my mood. i just leave yguys some pictures aight? (",)
asha baby.
auntie shidah (her mom) : "auntie curl rambut nya tadi pagi sekali di belakang saja sampat auntie curl. asha inda mau pasal katanya crimper panas."
HAHA. caliee. damit damit sudah pandai begaya. :) beloved mama and grandpa, i love you both
"lawa eeh, siapa usai tudung bibih?"
*she called my mum mumy. esen laa tuu mama aa, tanya tanya. skill~ hehemy one and only babah, mama, sister and brother.
me, mama, angah, usu
kaka si hawa. CUTEEEE.. sama macam hawa. rasakan cubit cubit pipi nya.
mama and nini amit
usul nyaaaa. eeee.
"i wanna try this chocolate almond london biscuit."
"gahhhh, i like this one.. the almond."
so she just ate the almond nut. HAHA
uda ana (hawa's ummi) with adam (hawa's brother)
don't chu think she's CUTE and RUGGED with that oversized shades? ohh-ohh bytheway, remember the story behind the first picture? she finally perm her hair.. :)
when i starts talking, you listen. NA♥
first day of november
days past by, the month of november come again. i should now be counting on the days left to the second week of november, shouldn't i? yes, countdown to my BIRTHDAY! but seriously, i did not expect anything. story of the past suddenly popped into my mind. *sigh* i dont want to celebrate the day with tears no more.. i don't want anything bad to happen on that day. nothing special and i want just me.. )= hey hey, that was the thing that always stuck on my mind. but, NO.. not this time. i change my mind.. i know i have loads of friends and people who care about me, i mean, like REALLY REALLY CARE. i have the one i love with me in my heart. and i think thats more than enough for me.. so yeah, 13 days to go baby..
when i starts talking, you listen. NA♥